Jan 18, 2025  
Academic Policies 
Academic Policies

Standardized Course Syllabi Statement

All regularly scheduled undergraduate and graduate courses for which students receive credit at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, regardless of the method of delivery, must have a course syllabus clarifying the expectations of the instructor and the responsibilities of the student as defined in this Statement of Policy.

A course syllabus is a contract with the student and all sections of the same course must use a common syllabus. To ensure that students are knowledgeable of requirements for successful completion of a course, all course syllabi at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff must contain the following information:


  • University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
  • School of __________________________________________
  • Department of ______________________________________
  • Course Title
  • Course Prefix and Number
  • Textbook (s) which define the subject matter content, approach, breadth, and applicability of the course
  • Credit Hour
  • Instructor
  • Name
  • Office Location and Office Hours
  • Telephone, Fax and Email
  • Course Objectives (written in strong, active voice that are measurable);
  • Course Description - Summary Statement which informs the student of the subject matter content, instructional approach, breadth, and applicability of the course;
  • Prerequisites - Courses that students should have completed or prerequisite knowledge that a student should have obtained before enrolling in the course (all required prerequisites must be listed in the current UAPB Catalog);
  • Course Outline - List of topics to be taught in the order in which they will be taught, readings associated with the topics, as well as dates for exams, and due dates for assignments;
  • Bibliography - List of references to be used for course instruction; and
  • Expectations for Students - Policies and procedures that govern class participation and student outcomes, i.e. departmental procedures, policy on students with disabilities, grading system,  expectations for class attendance statement, academic integrity, and any other departmental or school procedure.
  • UAPB Statement on Academic Integrity- UAPB reserves the right to withdraw any student who fails or refuses to abide by rules and regulations governing student life including academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, misconduct during testing periods, and inadequate acknowledgement of source materials on term papers and other assignments that show evidence of plagiarism. The following actions may result when academic dishonesty is evident: awarding a failing grade for the test or assignment on which the dishonesty occurred, suspension from the class, or other potential sanctions identified by the instructor in the course syllabus.

Given the varied nature of instruction and course delivery, the responsibility for ensuring adherence to and compliance with this policy is assigned to the department chairperson and should be monitored by the dean of the school.