Jan 18, 2025  
Academic Policies 
Academic Policies

Concurrent Enrollment

The Concurrent Enrollment Policy at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff serves as a means to provide students the opportunity to begin the process toward a baccalaureate degree, while finishing high school.  The University provides this opportunity through concurrent credit, which is an academically rigorous introduction to college for high school students who desire a post-secondary education. The following definitions guide the proposed concurrent/dual enrollment at UAPB.

Concurrent enrollment is defined as the enrollment of a high school student in a college course taught at a high school campus (or in selected cases, on the college campus) for high school credit and college level credit (Arkansas Code §6-18-223).  Concurrent Credit allows the college-ready student to take college-level courses while they are still in high school and to earn both high school and college credit simultaneously.

Dual enrollment is defined as the enrollment of a high school in postsecondary education for college-level credit exclusively (Arkansas Code §6-60-202).  Dual credit is provided to current high school students who wish to attain UAPB course-credit.  The college credit earned may apply toward a degree at UAPB.  These students must apply for admission. 

Current high school students who have completed some high school coursework, and who wish to attend classes at UAPB, may be considered for admission.  The college credit earned may apply toward a degree at UAPB; however, these students are not eligible for scholarships or financial aid.

The goal of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff is to provide a consistent set of opportunities and expectations as related to concurrent course credit; therefore, rules and regulations apply to granting credit to students having concurrent enrollment.

  • A concurrent student must complete a standard UAPB admission application and supply all required admission documents.
  • Any high school student who meets the regular admission standards for UAPB is eligible for concurrent credit.
  • Every available course is part of the Arkansas College Transfer System and will transfer to any 2-year or 4-year college in Arkansas.
  • Students with concurrent high school and college credit will have the opportunity to determine the courses which they desire to transfer and for which to receive credit.
  • Concurrent credit courses must be submitted on college transcripts. High school transcripts are not accepted for awarding and posting of college-level courses.
  • A “Transfer of Credit” form will be made available for admission purposes. This form documents the courses for which students opted to transfer and receive credit.
  • Application of concurrent high school course credit is final once the student signs the form.  The student has the liberty to choose, but the choice is irrevocable.
  • In an effort to ensure that students are properly advised and to eliminate duplicate course credit, all transcripts must be submitted prior to registering for the UAPB courses.
  • Transcripts that are not submitted and received in a timely manner (once the student is enrolled) may not be honored.
  • A concurrent student must contact his/her school counselor to make decisions about the courses in which to enroll for college credit, in order to achieve maximum benefit from concurrent enrollment.