Jan 18, 2025  
Academic Policies 
Academic Policies

Fast-Track Program

As part of the Remediation Redesign Initiative at UAPB, the Redesign Committee recommends the development and implementation of a Fast-Track Program (FTP) to be housed in University College and administered by Academic Skills and Developmental Services (ASDS), in partnership with the LIONS Program, BAS, TRIO Supportive Services, and other university departments and/or units, such as Math, Reading, and English.  Upon referral of students to FTP from its partners, ASDS staff will administer diagnostic tests, register students for the fast-track course (see below), monitor their progress, refer eligible students to instructors and/or tutors (e.g., TRIO, LIONS, Math, English), for assistance if necessary, and send weekly student progress reports to appropriate FTP partners.

The main objective of the policy is to lessen the student’s time to degree completion and to reduce the number of courses needed in remediation.  This policy may also serve as a retention strategy by providing a fast-track program for students to complete remedial courses during summer sessions-therefore, being able to enter college-level courses in the fall semester.  Students who participate in the fast-track program (more than likely) will remain at UAPB to keep from having to retake developmental courses elsewhere.

The central core of the program will be an online, intervention fast-track (ten weeks or less) course.  It will be an independent, self-paced, course; designed to speed-up students’ completion of any remedial Math, Reading, or English requirements.


There will be two essential components of the course: 1) the myFoundationsLab online, remedial, intervention curriculum, and 2) Accuplacer Diagnostic testing.  The initial timeframe will be the ten weeks covered by the university’s two summer semesters, thereby, giving students an opportunity to meet their remedial requirements in ten weeks or less during the summer prior to fall enrollment.

This course will include all three content remedial areas (Math, Reading, and English), but a student would be required to engage only in learning activities related to his or her weaknesses, as demonstrated by test results.  The course will require the purchase of Access Code numbers.  The current cost is less than $25.00 and includes all remedial areas.

Students who pass the fast-track course at the required masterly level (for example, 70% or higher on all assignments, including homework, quizzes, and tests in either Math, Reading, or English, will be deemed to have met their remedial requirements in that or those content area(s) and will be given appropriate credit for the remedial courses the university required them to take.

Students will take an Accuplacer post-test for program assessment purposes only-not to determine if they have passed or failed the course.

The 10 week period will begin them moment students register for the course.  If they do not pass within the ten week period, other university policies could be implemented, such as requiring continuation in the course for another ten weeks (this would require the purchase of a new access code number and re-registering for the course); denying the students admission and advising them to enroll elsewhere; or some other option(s).