Mar 31, 2025  
Academic Policies 
Academic Policies

Senior Assessment

The Senior Comprehensive Examination has been used as a university assessment measure since 1990.  In lieu of the Senior Comprehensive Examination, some academic units prefer to require Senior Projects. Therefore, two options are recommended for senior assessment measures: 1) Senior Comprehensive Examination, and 2) Senior Projects.  All prospective graduating seniors will be required to attain a passing score of 70 percent prior to graduation. 


The Senior Comprehensive Examination Subcommittee offers the following recommendations that will lead to a policy change:

  • Require all departments to select one of two assessment measures from prospective graduating seniors. Departments have the option to determine Senior Projects in lieu of the Senior Comprehensive Examination.  A minimum score of 70 percent must be attained in order to successfully pass the Senior Comprehensive Examination or senior project.  A standardized test recognized by an accrediting body may substitute for a senior comprehensive exam. Accrediting bodies using standardized tests have explicit criteria regarding passing scores.  Any department that uses a standardized test will use the criteria recognized by the accrediting agency to determine a passing performance;
  • A rubric or standardized measure must be developed for each senior project;
  • Introduce and discuss senior comprehensive examination or senior project during freshman year and/or when students are transferred into their respective majors, (pre-tests are to be administered during entry and mid-levels);
  • Allow students to take one make-up senior comprehensive examination within two weeks if they fail to attain a pass score of 70 percent (makeup exams will only be given for extenuating circumstances and/or with prior approval).  This stipulation also applies for Senior Projects. 
  • If the student fails the senior comprehensive exam or senior project on the second attempt, the student will not complete the degree program in that term.  Completion of an intervention plan, designed by the department or program specifically for the student, will be required prior to the student attempting the senior comprehensive exam or senior project a third time.  No fourth attempt to pass the senior comprehensive exam or senior project will be offered.
  • Senior comprehensive examinations required by departments or programs must be updated every two years and changes provided to the Office of Assessment.  This stipulation also applies for Senior Projects.
  • Require all departments to develop a senior comprehensive examination study guide;
  • Departments must assume responsibility for senior comprehensive examination reviews and senior project preparations for students who transfer or change his/her major; and
  • Implement policy effective fall 2016.