Jan 18, 2025  
Academic Policies 
Academic Policies

Faculty Load and Adjunct Compensation Scale

Guiding Principles

  • The salary of a full-time employee of the University is intended as compensation for all regularly assigned activities performed for, or in the name of, the University.
  • Federal funds may not be used to pay extra compensation unless specifically authorized by the sponsoring agency.
  • Senior administrators, as defined by the Chancellor, shall not be eligible for extra compensation for teaching a class or performing other duties for the University.
  • Exceptions to the provisions of this policy will require the approval of the Chancellor.
  • An employee must be certified by his or her dean or supervisor as working a full load in addition to the activity for which extra compensation is being recommended.

Requirements and Faculty Responsibilities

Full-time faculty in professorial ranks are expected to engage in teaching, research and creative activities, and both university and public service. As such, the normal teaching load for full-time Assistant, Associate and Full Professors is 12 credit hours per semester, and six (6) credit hours per summer term. The full-time load for instructors (whose responsibilities are primarily instructional) is 15 credit hours per semester and six (6) credit hours per summer term.

All classes are required to have a minimum enrollment of 10 students for upper division courses and 14 students for lower division courses.  If the required enrollment has not been attained, the course(s) shall be cancelled unless approval is granted by the respective chairperson, dean, and the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.  During semesters when the faculty member’s assigned teaching load does not meet the required enrollment per course, faculty may be assigned another course and not be compensated for overload.  Faculty may also perform additional duties as agreed upon with his/her immediate supervisor as part of his/her workload in the areas of research, university, and public service. An alternative approach may entail the faculty member’s reassignment to teach another course that meets the enrollment requirements.

In cases where an overload is approved, faculty in professorial ranks will be compensated at the rate paid for an adjunct professor for one class or lab taught over the 12 credit hour maximum teaching load.  Nine (9) credit hours are considered a full-time teaching load for graduate faculty.

Research overload may be approved in extreme or extenuating circumstances. When feasible, research overload should be compensated by a transfer of time (buy-out) from the faculty member’s teaching load. However, when a reduced teaching load is not possible, the faculty member may have a reduction in university and public service.

Adjunct Faculty Compensation Scale

Salary for one 3-hour course for Masters-level instructor increase from $1,450 to $2,060 (42.1% increase).1

Salary for one 3-hour course for Doctoral-level instructor increase from $1,650 to $2,345 (42.1% increase).2

1For each additional hour taught (i.e. 4-hour course) add $686.67 for Masters-level instructor.

2For each additional hour taught (i.e. 4-hour course) add $781.67 for Doctoral-level instructor.