Mar 14, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2026 
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2026

Music, (Non-Teaching) Sound Recording Technology Emphasis, B.S.

Sound Recording Technology Emphasis

The Sound Recording Technology (SRT) emphasis provides the required skills and proficiencies necessary for students who seek careers in the recording arts profession.

Sound Recording Technology

General Education Requirements 45 hrs.
Area of Specialization Requirements 30 hrs.
Theory I-IV 8
Sight Singing I-IV 4
Music History 6
Piano Class 4
Applied Music 5
Orchestration & Arranging 3
Music Technology Requirements 30 Hrs.
Intro to Studio Rec’d Tech. 3
Intro to Computer Music 3
Intermediate Rec’d Tech 3
Digital Audio Rec’d Tech 3
Audio for Video 3
Music Business 3
Seminar in Adv. Studio 3
Senior Recording Project 3
Studio Internship 3
Music Electives 5 hrs.
Music Ensemble 4 hrs.
Additional Requirements 6
Foreign Language 3
Intro to Business Programming 3
Local Area Networking 3

Students seeking a B.S. in Music with the Non-Teaching Sound Recording Technology emphasis must take the following exams/proficiencies:

  • Theory Placement GMAE
  • Audition on Applied Instrument/Voice
  • AAGE/CAPP Rising Junior (upon attaining 45 hours)
  • Sophomore Exam
  • Piano Proficiency Exam
  • Senior Comprehensive Exam


  1. Train and educate students for job opportunities in such areas as recording, audio, forensics and computer-based music.
    • 1.1 - Provide courses that prepare the student to use existing and emerging technologies in sound recording and computer-based music.
    • 1.2 - Provide laboratory experiences that will prepare students to utilize technology currently in use in the industry.
    • 1.3 - Provide courses in Sound Recording Technology sufficient to develop professional competency.
  2. Provide for our students appropriate pre-professional experiences in sound recording and related careers.
    • 2.1 - Provide internships with area professionals.
    • 2.2 - Provide opportunities for students to attend seminars, workshops and industry-sponsored conventions.
    • 2.3 - Sponsor seminars, workshops and lectures on campus conducted by industry professionals and educators on reproduction and recording.
  3. Provide courses and experiences for the university community to gain experience with music related computer equipment, programs and processes.
    • 3.1 - Provide software and instruction in the use of software to enhance knowledge in music theory, history, music education and performance.
    • 3.2  -Provide courses in Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), tape-based and hard disk based recording techniques and other technologies involved in audio applications.

The graduation recital is a prerequisite for MUSI 4304 , MUSI 4302 , and MUSI 4303 .

Suggested Course Sequence

Freshman Year

Sophomore Year

Junior Year

Senior Year


*Contingent upon results of Theory Placement Exam. Does not count towards required degree hours
**Prep Theory - **Piano/Vocal Emphasis
****Instrumental Emphasis Piano Emphasis must take four additional hours of electives.