Mar 10, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2026
General Education Core
UAPB has established institutional and core general education requirements to prepare students who are equipped to excel through their contributions and leadership in a 21st century national and global community.
It is through entry-level courses that students acquire skills to succeed in upper-level courses and to participate in a globally integrated society. In these core courses, students develop the tools for critical thinking, effective communication, quantitative literacy, success in college and career, and a healthy lifestyle. Students also develop an appreciation of the cultural, scientific, and historical foundations of our diverse human heritage.
The goal of the general education requirement is to prepare students for lifelong learning in a rapidly changing world.
General Education and Institutional Requirements
English and Communications
Natural Science & Mathematics
(Any two courses) Health & Physical Education
Institutional Requirements
(Non-Teaching Majors)
The general education requirements for non-teaching majors are the same as those for teaching majors, with the following exceptions: Mathematics
Students who are non-teaching and not STEM (Science, Technology, English, or Mathematics) may elect to take MATH 1360 in place of MATH 1330 Social Science Requirements
Associate Degree Candidates
Students receiving the associate degree must complete the following general education requirements Note:
A course taken as a general education requirement shall not be counted for credit as a major or minor course. Developmental courses are not college level and do count as major or elective courses. - The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff is committed to assessment of student learning outcomes to support continuous improvement of its effectiveness. UAPB assesses at transition points (entry, mid-level, exit) to support longitudinal analyses of learning. The ETS Proficiency Profile (Rising junior) exam is the mid-level assessment instrument. Students who have completed no fewer than 45 and no more than 60 college level credits (excluding remedial courses) are required to take the ETS Proficiency Profile exam, also referred to as the Rising Junior Examination. Students will be notified of testing dates and times as they become eligible. Students who fail to take the test upon being notified of their eligibility may not register for further courses until they have taken the test. The examination covers reading, English, mathematics, social and natural sciences, and humanities or literature.
- Students exhibiting accelerated achievement levels in specific areas may test out through the College Level Entrance Program (see Office of Counseling and Testing) or substitute more advanced courses commensurate with their level of achievement (see Basic Academic Services for an assessment of level of achievement).
- All students, excluding those transferring in courses equivalent to all UAPB general education requirements, must formally exit University College. To exit University College, a student must do the following:
- Complete all general education requirements and
- Take the ETS Proficiency Profile Rising Junior Examination or the University College Exit Examination.
Required University Assessments Assessment of Student Learning The assessment process is the University’s way of holding itself accountable for student learning and development. Outcome-based assessments of student learning are conducted across curricular and co-curricular units. Each semester, the University conducts rubric based assessments of key assignments. The artifacts submitted by students are archived in our assessment management system (LiveText). The artifacts and assessment scores serve as evidence of student learning. Assessment data are evaluated and used to support decisions regarding program planning, funding, and resource allocation. Criterion Reference Tests At the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, degree-seeking students are required to take the following standardized and criterion-referenced tests. - The English Proficiency Examination - required of all students except those who have passed the writing portion of the Common Core. Beginning with the fall 2000 semester, students who complete English Composition I (ENGL 1311 ) at UAPB and earned a grade of “C” or higher will have satisfied the English Proficiency requirement. Students who complete the course at a different college/university or took the course at UAPB prior to Fall 2000, are required to take and successfully pass the English Proficiency Examination.
- ETS Proficiency Profile Examination - also referred to as the Rising Junior Examination, a test administered to all students who have completed between 45 and 60 college-level credits (non-remedial courses).
- The University College Exit Examination - required of all students with more than 60 college level-credits who did not take the ETS Proficiency Profile.
- Standardized or Criterion-Referenced Examinations - required by specific disciplines (e.g., Common Core, etc.). Check with advisor or departmental chairperson.
- Senior Comprehensive Assessment - required of ALL students. The assessment covers subject matter in the discipline in which the student majors. It is to be completed the semester the student expects to graduate.