Mar 14, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2026 
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2026

Music, (Non-Teaching) Music and an Outside Field Emphasis, B.S.

The curriculum leading to a B.S. in Music (Non-Teaching) is intended for students seeking a liberal education or for those who aspire to careers in music other than teaching. Students will complete 15 hours in an outside field that has been approved by the Music Department and by the Chair of the department from one of the following outside fields: Theater/Mass Communications or Business/Marketing.

Additional Requirements

Students seeking a B.S. degree in Music (Non-Teaching) must take the following exams/proficiencies:

  • Theory Placement Test/GMAE
  • Sophomore Barrier (end of sophomore year)
  • Audition Placement on Applied Instrument/Voice
  • Piano Proficiency Exam
  • CAPP Rising Jr. Exam (upon attaining 45 hrs. of study)
  • Senior Comprehensive Exam (end of senior year)

The student must designate an outside field and place documentation of that decision on file in the music department. Students, however, may not enroll in an outside field course until they have passed their sophomore barrier exam.

The graduating recital is the prerequisite for MUSI 4311 , Internship.

General Ed. Requirements 45 hrs
Area of Specialization Requirements 54 hrs
Theory I - IV 8
Sight -Sing./Ear Training 4
Music History I & II 6
Diction** 3
Piano Classes 4
Senior Recital 0
Orchestration and Arranging 3
Voice Class*** 2
Vocal Pedagogy** 2
Applied Music 7
Music Ensemble 7
Music Electives** 4
Music Electives*** 7
Recital Attendance (six required) 0
Internship 3
Area of Specialization - Business/Marketing Emphasis 18 hrs
Management Information System 3
Consumer Analysis & Behavior 3
Principles of Marketing 3
Business Law 3
Principles of Management 3
Music Business 3
Area of Specialization - Mass Communication Emphasis 18 hrs
Stage Lighting 3
Voice and Movement 3
Oral Interpretation 3
Play Production Laboratory 3
Acting I 3
History of Theatre 3
TV Production 3
Radio Production 3
Dramatic Criticism 3
Survey of Children Theatre 3
Modern Drama 3
Creative Dramatics 3
Black Drama 3
Play Production 3
Mass Communications Electives 3
Additional Requirements  
Foreign Language 6

*Contingent upon Theory Placement Exam

The MUSI 4311  internship, which is designed to be the culminating activity for the degree, must be approved by the Chair of the Music Department no later than the second week of the semester in which the student has enrolled in MUSI 4311 .


  1. Prepare students for graduate studies in music.
    • Objective 1.1 - Provide a liberal arts education built upon a strong music foundation;
    • Objective 1.2 - Provide students with computer assisted experiences related to word processing, orchestration, and aural skills; and
    • Objective 1.3 - Develop effective writing and oral communications skills.
  2. Give the students the skill sets needed to pursue careers throughout the music industry.
    • Objective 2.1 - Prepare students to be studio teachers and musicians.
    • Objective 2.2 - Prepare students for careers that integrate music and technology.
    • Objective 2.3 - Prepare students for careers that combine music and business.
    • Objective 2.4 - Prepare students for careers in music theater.
  3. Provide a core liberal arts education.
    • Objective 3.1 - Provide a sequential block of courses and experiences in the liberal and fine arts for students.
    • Objective 3.2 - Provide university and state core curriculum classes in various fields of study.

Suggested Course Sequence

Freshman Year

Sophomore Year

Junior Year

Senior Year

Fall Semester

Total Hours: 12

Spring Semester

Total Hours: 12


*Contingent upon results of Theory Placement Exam. Does not count towards required degree hours
**Piano/Vocal Emphasis
***Instrumental Emphasis – Piano Emphasis exempt from Piano classes must take four (4) additional hours of Music electives.
Electives: Instrumental 7 hrs. - Vocal 4 hrs.