Mar 11, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2026
Social Sciences, Secondary Social Studies Education Option (Teaching), B.A.
The social studies education program, in co-operation with the School of Education, provides teacher candidates with the training and experiences needed to become qualified middle and secondary social studies teachers. The program focuses on the temporal study of culture and diversity; power, authority and governance; technology and society; global connections and interdependence; and civic ideals and practices.
- Foster competence of pre-professionals as secondary social studies teachers.
- Promote critical thinking skills and enhance written and oral communication skills.
- Cultivate the interdisciplinary approach to understanding the world.
- Enhance the understanding of all civilizations.
- Encourage technological competence and the use of computers and instructional media & instructional technology.
- Gain a better appreciation for a multi-ethnic, multicultural diverse society.
- Provide prospective teachers with experiences that will increase their knowledge of the science and art of teaching social studies and increase their awareness and understanding of current trends in the teaching of social studies.
General Requirements
- Majors in Social Studies Education must meet all of the institutional requirements of the University. Requirements listed below in areas other than social studies supplement, but do not supplant, institutional General Education requirements.
- All social studies education majors will meet with the Coordinator for Social Studies Education as their academic advisor for content courses and with a School of Education advisor for courses taught by the School of Education.
- All majors must request admission to teacher education by completing a formal application with the School of Education and completing thirty-one (31) hours of professional education courses taught by the School of Education for certification.
- All majors must have a 2.50 G.P.A. to graduate.
- All majors must earn a minimum of “C” for all courses in the major as specified in the degree plan.
- All Social Studies Education majors will bring the sub-scores on their PRAXIS II Exams to the Social Studies Advisor, demonstrating that they have passed all sub-areas of the exam, before they will be admitted to student teaching.
Test Requirements
- Praxis I Minimums: Mathematics: 171; Reading: 172; Writing: 173. Required before being formally admitted to the degree program.
- Praxis II: Principles of Learning and Teaching, Grades 7-12, minimum score: 164 Social Studies Content Knowledge, minimum score: 155 for Standard Certificate (new or addition). Required before a student can enroll in student teaching
Professional Education Courses
Suggested Course Sequence